Trustworthy certification systems are an important part of Poligof’s sustainability work.
These are some international standards we support.
Poligof’s aim is to ensure that customers get consistent, good quality products and services from all its production units.
To this end all Poligof sites in Europe, Russia, Mexico and India, follow the ISO 9001 standard and have achieved the ISO 9001:2015 certification.
Poligof’s environmental management systems follow the ISO 14001 standard in all its production sites and both the Poligof Mira and Lodi units are ISO 14001:2015 certified.
Poligof systematically manages Occupational Health and Safety risks by adopting management systems based on the ISO 45001: 2018 standard and the Poligof site in India is certified.
Poligof PE, PE-B, BTBS PoliGREEN ( biobased) and PoliECO ( with internally rigenerated scrap) products manufactured in Italy and Mexico are certified STANDARD 100 by OEKO-TEX ®
Poligof backsheets fulfil the requirements of various Labels such as the EU Ecolabel, the Nordic Ecolabel – Swan, The Blue Label Asthma-Allergy, the German Ecolabel – Blauer Engel, Allergy Certified